Thursday, December 25, 2014

Benefits of Papaya Fruits For Skin

Nearly 50% of vitamin stored in papaya fruit, so impossible to correct if not papaya important role in controlling one's health condition. To find out, you can get to know the benefits of papaya for health and traditional medicine from the following description.

1. Skin Health
Papaya has an active role in the field of beauty and health, one of them to the surface of the skin in terms of moisturizing or brighten and refresh dull skin. This is caused by the content of vitamins A, C and E in fruit papaya.

2. Enlarge Mr. P for Man
The content of the enzyme arginine stored in papaya fruit in terms of ability to boost blood flow to the area Mr. P. Argarine boost nitric acid production in the body for relaxing muscles around blood vessels, consequently Mr. P will be enlarged in a significant time as the number of enzyme arginine into the body.

3. Optimizing Digestive Function
It had been explained that papaya can launch constipation, this is due to the high fiber content in the fruit of papaya can be absorbed properly by the body's digestive system. While antioxidants are able to clean the remaining food in the gut and throw it through the sewer.

4. Reduce eye damage
If you are the person who continues to stare at the screen every day, meet the needs of vitamin A in order to stay healthy and fresh eyes. To do that regular consumption of papaya meat at certain hours, such as after a meal or rest period. Thus the risk of eye damage is getting smaller.

5. Ward off free radicals
If the body has free radicals, the skin will cover a variety of problems such as wrinkles. For it if you do not want to look old at a young age, diligent eating papaya fruit because antioxidants can counteract free radicals.

6. Used as Medicine Bite Serpent
Need treatment as soon as possible if you are bitten by a rattlesnake. Prepare 5 knuckles papaya roots, wash with water, smooth the ground, and apply this medication on the skin bitten. After that wrapped using a washcloth, replace 2 times a day

7. As medication blister
Could be due to fire or exposed to exhaust the heat, immediately treat with this herb. Take a papaya fruit skin, squeeze and capacity sap. Apply on the skin blisters evenly, leave on all day. If blisters are too wide, use the papaya fruit flesh is pounded to treat it.
8. As medicine fever or malaria
Take a papaya leaf, 1/2 cup mashed to meet. Pour the water as much as 3/4 cup, and add salt. Squeeze papaya leaves, strain the water and drink 3 times a day. This treatment can you do at least 5 consecutive days in a week.

9. As an appetite enhancer drugs
You or your child is no appetite? Try taking medication to stimulate the appetite of this. How to pluck a piece of papaya leaves, wash and mash by hand. Add salt and a little water as much as 1/4 cup, squeeze the leaves. Water is taken until the end.

10. As a influenza medicine
Pick two young papaya leaves, crushed, pour water, squeezed afterwards. Add salt and drink the juice of papaya leaves 2 times a day for children's dose, and 4 times a day for an adult dose.
"Similarly, a brief description of the benefits of papaya to health and traditional medicine. You need to remember that the material written here only additional information, is not intended to be a main reference, or a substitute for medical treatment and medical expert advice."

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